𝛃2 adrenoceptor agonists

EXAMPLES: Short-acting – salbutamol, terbutaline; long-acting – salmeterol, formoterol.
MECHANISM OF ACTION: Selective 𝛃2 adrenoceptor agonists in smooth muscle of upper airways that increase intracellular cAMP. This leads to smooth muscle relaxation and bronchodilation.

  • Acute asthma (short-acting).
  • Chronic asthma/COPD (long-acting).
  • Premature labour.
  • Hypersensitivity.
  • Fine tremor.
  • Hypokalaemia (if high doses given).
  • Tachycardia.
  • Headache.
  • The effects of long-acting drugs last 12 h.
  • Proportion reaching GI tract is metabolised by the liver. t½ varies; salbutamol 3–7 h and terbutaline 16–20 h.
  • Monitor potassium levels if high doses of salbutamol given (especially in acute asthma).
  • Should not be given with non-selective 𝛃2 blockers, due to opposing actions.
  • In management of acute asthma, hypokalaemia may be potentiated by hypoxia and the use of theophylline, steroids and diuretics.
  • Salbutamol can be administered by inhaler, nebuliser or IV in the management of acute asthma.
  • Salbutamol can be used in the immediate management of hyperkalemia (increases uptake of potassium into cells).
  • BTS guidelines recommend a stepwise approach to the management of chronic asthma. First-line therapy involves the use of short-acting 𝛃2 agonists; if symptoms are uncontrolled this is supplemented with inhaled corticosteroids and then long-acting 𝛃2 agonists.
  • 𝛃2 agonists salbutamol and terbutaline can be used to delay uncomplicated premature labour (24–33 weeks gestation) by at least 48 h, by inhibition of uterine contractions.