Choosing the right PRENATAL formula

As a nutrition support pharmacist, you can consider using either Elevit Pronatal or Pregnacare during pregnancy. The choice between these two products depends on their specific formulas. The first step is to ensure that the selected formula provides enough essential nutrients for pregnant women, such as iron (around 27 mg), calcium (about 1000 mg), folic acid (between 400-800 micrograms), and iodine (approximately 150 micrograms). If any of these nutrients are lacking, they can be supplemented.

Keep in mind that many formulas have low levels of calcium. To meet the recommended intake, it's advisable to add 600 mg of calcium from food sources in addition to what is already present in the formula. This will help determine if the total calcium intake reaches the desired level of 1000 mg. If it falls short, additional calcium supplementation may be needed. For example, Elevit Pronatal provides 125 mg of calcium. To calculate your daily intake, add 600 mg from food to the formula's calcium content (125 + 600 = 725 mg). If you want to reach the desired daily intake of 1000 mg, you should consider adding calcium supplements.

Vitamin A is another important consideration. Most formulas contain vitamin A in the form of retinol or beta-carotene. It's important to pay attention to the amount of vitamin A present, as there is some debate about the recommended dosage. While some sources suggest that around 770-800 micrograms are sufficient, most sources indicate that up to 1500 micrograms of vitamin A are safe for pregnant women. Supplements containing high doses of preformed vitamin A should be avoided (appear to be teratogenic). Most pregnancy supplements contain beta-carotene and High intakes of beta-carotene have not been associated with an increased risk of congenital anomalies. Therefore, choosing a formula that provides vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene is generally a safer option. Finally, compare the formulas and choose the one that best meets the pregnant woman's needs and is most suitable for her. Get our note, "Help pregnant choose the right prenatal vitamin" for more information.


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