Natural medicines HELP in milk supply

As a nutrition support pharmacist, you will be asked more about natural medicines that help with milk supply. Some popular remedies for increasing milk production during breastfeeding include fenugreek and moringa. While there is limited research, small studies suggest that fenugreek supplements or tea (1-2 grams, 1-3 times daily for 21-44 days) may help boost milk production.

Fenugreek (Fenolact, Herbana, Herbolin Sachets, etc) is generally safe during breastfeeding but not recommended during pregnancy due to potential side effects. Moringa (Fitland Moringa Sachets), on the other hand, may be beneficial during the first week of breastfeeding, with a recommended dosage of 250-350 mg twice daily from postpartum day 3 for one week. Moringa is considered safe for the nursing baby for up to four months. Although some people claim that substances like flaxseed, fennel, milk thistle, and caraway can stimulate milk production, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims, and their safety during breastfeeding is uncertain. It is particularly important to avoid fennel until more safety data is available, as it has been associated with nervous system damage in infants through breast milk.

Keep in mind that most natural products have not been thoroughly studied for their effects on breastfeeding individuals, and there is limited safety information regarding nursing babies. It's important to exercise caution and consult reliable sources for more detailed information on the safety and dosage of these remedies.


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