
Labels: Antibiotics in Pregnancy

Use SYSTEMIC quinolones as last option in kids

Use SYSTEMIC quinolones as last option in kids

As a pediatric pharmacist, you will see more clarity about the role of quinolones in CHI…
Manage acute infections in patients taking chronic antibiotics

Manage acute infections in patients taking chronic antibiotics

Questions are coming up about how to manage acute infections in patients taking chronic a…
Antibiotic options for UTI in pregnancy

Antibiotic options for UTI in pregnancy

As a pharmacist, pregnant women will ask you about antibiotic safety for urinary tract in…
When to use oral cephalosporins and which one

When to use oral cephalosporins and which one

When to use oral cephalosporins and which one?! - As a pharmacist, you should know that c…
Antibiotics use in pregnancy

Antibiotics use in pregnancy

Introduction During pregnancy, untreated sexually transmitted or urinary tract infectio…
Oral antibiotics that should be used or avoided during pregnancy

Oral antibiotics that should be used or avoided during pregnancy

Which oral antibiotics are okay during pregnancy? ― Many commonly used antibiotics are sa…
Put macrolide use during pregnancy in perspective

Put macrolide use during pregnancy in perspective

For community pharmacist, new data will raise concerns about macrolides in pregnancy. We …
Notes on using antibiotics while breastfeeding

Notes on using antibiotics while breastfeeding

Overview Which oral antibiotics are safe to use while breastfeeding? Most antibiot…

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