How to treat ACNE? Acne vulgaris remains a common dermatological concern affecting individuals across vari…
Don’t Jump to Aklief or Amzeeq for Acne As a community pharmacist, Aklief (trifarotene) and Amzeeq (minocycline) are two new once…
Treat PHOTOsensitivity reactions As a hospital pharmacist, you will be asked more about how to treat photosensitivity reac…
Quell the hype around collagen supplements As a nutrition support pharmacist, collagen supplements are being touted for everything f…
Manage expectations with ISOtretinoin As a clinical pharmacist, you should help patients start and stay on isotretinoin for Acn…
How to treat FUNGAL NAIL infections As a community pharmacist, patients will ask you how to get rid of fungal nail infections…
How to treat Dandruff and Cradle Cap As a pharmacist, people will ask you how to treat dandruff or cradle cap, the “infant ver…
Antibiotic use for SKIN infections As a clinical pharmacist, you will get questions about empiric antibiotic choices for pat…
Help physicians choose between different TOPICAL dosage forms There are reasons to choose one topical dosage form over another. Tailor your choice base…
Approach to alopecia Essentials of Diagnosis Forms of hair loss may be scarring (suggested by absent folli…
Management of uremic pruritus (itching) from chronic kidney disease Overview Patients will ask how to manage itching from chronic kidney disease. This chro…
Skin cancer risk with hydrochlorothiazide FDA alert! Hydrochlorothiazide adverse reactions and warnings (July 2018)! ã…¡ Hydrochlor…