Titrating Infusions: Key Updates from The Joint Commission As a critical care pharmacist, you will play a key role in ensuring that orders for titra…
Best Practices for Administering Beta-Lactams Questions are coming up about using prolonged infusions of beta-lactam doses due to new i…
Optimize Medications for Patients Receiving ECMO Overview As a critical care pharmacist, you will get questions about optimal medicatio…
Hepatorenal Syndrome Management Overview Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) is kidney dysfunction associated with decompe…
Consider Antipsychotics for Severe Delirium As a critical care pharmacist, you'll see more focus on preventing and treating delir…
Hepatic Encephalopathy: A Practical Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment Overview As a clinical pharmacist, you may be asked about managing hepatic encephalopat…
Beta Blocker Withdrawal: A Clinical Approach As a clinical pharmacist, you’ll likely encounter concerns about beta blocker withdrawal,…
Manage Cardiogenic Shock Pharmacotherapy: A Guide for ICU Pharmacists As a clinical pharmacist, you may frequently be consulted on the medications used in mana…
Guide Pharmacists to Manage Hyperkalemia in Heart Failure Patients Overview Managing hyperkalemia (HK) in HF requires a structured approach based on ser…
Can Pharmacists Save the Day in Tumor Lysis Syndrome? Overview As a clinical pharmacist, you play a critical role in managing tumor lysis syn…
Debunking Common Antimicrobial Myths Overview As a clinical pharmacist, you possess the expertise to debunk common antimicro…
Hypernatremia Estimation and Treatment Strategies Definition and clinical manifestations Hypernatremia is defined as a serum sodium…
Anticoagulation Guide for Managing PE and DVT in Critical Care Overview As a critical care pharmacist, you'll often need to decide whether to sta…
Debunking Hyperkalemia Myths: What Clinicians Need to Know Introduction to hyperkalemia Hyperkalemia is a life-threatening electrolyte disturbanc…
Do all ICU patients need Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis? Introduction Patients who are admitted to ICU may suffer from Stress Ulceration, …
Update your SEPSIS protocols Introduction As a critical care pharmacist, you will hear ongoing debate about MANAGIN…
Assess the need for SEIZURE prophylaxis As a critical care pharmacist, questions are still popping up about seizure prophylaxis a…
Pharmacist's approach to manage acute HYPERkalemia As a critical care pharmacist, both patiromer ( Veltassa ) and sodium zirconium cyclosili…