Provide Essential Nutrition Tips for Patients on GLP-1 Agonists Questions are coming up about proper nutrition for patients on a GLP-1 agonist (semagluti…
Be Ready for Questions About Garlic and Cardiovascular Health You’ll be asked about the CV benefits of garlic as people focus on heart health during Fe…
Grapefruit Juice with Statins – Do We Still Avoid? Overview Grapefruit juice inhibits CYP3A4, affecting over 85 drugs, including atorvast…
Hypernatremia Estimation and Treatment Strategies Definition and clinical manifestations Hypernatremia is defined as a serum sodium…
Cranberry Products for UTI Prevention: What Pharmacists Need to Know Overview Cranberry products have been used for decades to prevent urinary tract infe…
Debunking Hyperkalemia Myths: What Clinicians Need to Know Introduction to hyperkalemia Hyperkalemia is a life-threatening electrolyte disturbanc…
Get Ready with Info on Ginger Introduction As a nutrition support pharmacist, inquiries frequently arise regarding t…
Pharmacist's approach to manage acute HYPERkalemia As a critical care pharmacist, both patiromer ( Veltassa ) and sodium zirconium cyclosili…
Gallstone Buster: Diet & Med Mix! Overview As a nutritional support pharmacist, you should know that gallstones are clo…
Choosing the right PRENATAL formula As a nutrition support pharmacist, you can consider using either Elevit Pronatal or Preg…
Good news, BLACK TEA reduces the risk of death As a nutrition support pharmacist, you may receive questions about the benefits and poten…
Battling stress with Ashwagandha As a nutrition support pharmacist, you may receive inquiries about using Ashwagandha to c…
Natural medicines HELP in milk supply As a nutrition support pharmacist, you will be asked more about natural medicines that h…
Nutrition guide for CIRRHOSIS patients As a nutrition support pharmacist, you will be asked more about the recent recommendation…
Coenzyme Q10 for STATIN intolerance Introduction As a community pharmacist, patients will ask you more about Coenzyme Q10 …
Suggest lifestyle changes first for HYPERtensive kids Overview As a clinical pharmacist, you will hear buzz about how to treat hypertension i…
Is it necessary to give VITAMIN B12 by injection As a clinical pharmacy specialist, you will be asked, is it ever necessary to give vitam…
Take MORE vitamin D and LESS calcium! As a nutrition support pharmacist, people are asking you if they should take MORE vitamin…
Safe medication administration Via FEEDING Tubes Overview As a critical care pharmacist, questions often come up about giving medicati…
Quell the hype around collagen supplements As a nutrition support pharmacist, collagen supplements are being touted for everything f…