Grapefruit Juice with Statins – Do We Still Avoid? Overview Grapefruit juice inhibits CYP3A4, affecting over 85 drugs, including atorvast…
Hypernatremia Estimation and Treatment Strategies Definition and clinical manifestations Hypernatremia is defined as a serum sodium…
Cranberry Products for UTI Prevention: What Pharmacists Need to Know Overview Cranberry products have been used for decades to prevent urinary tract infe…
Debunking Hyperkalemia Myths: What Clinicians Need to Know Introduction to hyperkalemia Hyperkalemia is a life-threatening electrolyte disturbanc…
Get Ready with Info on Ginger Introduction As a nutrition support pharmacist, inquiries frequently arise regarding t…
Pharmacist's approach to manage acute HYPERkalemia As a critical care pharmacist, both patiromer ( Veltassa ) and sodium zirconium cyclosili…
Gallstone Buster: Diet & Med Mix! Overview As a nutritional support pharmacist, you should know that gallstones are clo…
Choosing the right PRENATAL formula As a nutrition support pharmacist, you can consider using either Elevit Pronatal or Preg…
Good news, BLACK TEA reduces the risk of death As a nutrition support pharmacist, you may receive questions about the benefits and poten…
Battling stress with Ashwagandha As a nutrition support pharmacist, you may receive inquiries about using Ashwagandha to c…
Natural medicines HELP in milk supply As a nutrition support pharmacist, you will be asked more about natural medicines that h…
Nutrition guide for CIRRHOSIS patients As a nutrition support pharmacist, you will be asked more about the recent recommendation…
Coenzyme Q10 for STATIN intolerance Introduction As a community pharmacist, patients will ask you more about Coenzyme Q10 …
Suggest lifestyle changes first for HYPERtensive kids Overview As a clinical pharmacist, you will hear buzz about how to treat hypertension i…
Is it necessary to give VITAMIN B12 by injection As a clinical pharmacy specialist, you will be asked, is it ever necessary to give vitam…
Take MORE vitamin D and LESS calcium! As a nutrition support pharmacist, people are asking you if they should take MORE vitamin…
Safe medication administration Via FEEDING Tubes Overview As a critical care pharmacist, questions often come up about giving medicati…
Quell the hype around collagen supplements As a nutrition support pharmacist, collagen supplements are being touted for everything f…
Are Fish Oil supplements safe?! As a nutrition support pharmacist, patients are asking whether fish oil supplements are s…
Obesity Management Update 2023 As a nutrition support pharmacist, you can help obese patients manage obesity as New Year…