Be Ready for Questions About Garlic and Cardiovascular Health You’ll be asked about the CV benefits of garlic as people focus on heart health during Fe…
The risk of stopping ANTIplatelet drugs too soon As a cardiovascular pharmacist, you may be asked about the risk of stopping aspirin, clop…
How to manage ANTIplatelets around surgery As a clinical pharmacist, you will be asked how to manage dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT…
Aspirin for PRIMARY prevention is different story As a cardiovascular pharmacist, you will be asked whether "an aspirin a day" i…
Clinical pharmacology of DOACs Mechanism of action Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs) or Non-Vitamin K Antagonist Or…
Limit bleeding risk in patients on triple antithrombotic therapy Overview How to manage patients on an anticoagulant (warfarin, etc) who also need anti…
Management of minor bleeding from antithrombotics Patients using an antithrombotic may be alarmed by "nuisance bleeding" OR noseb…
The interaction between PPI (omeprazole) and clopidogrel, what is your recommendations? Introduction PRODIGY has published a guideline on antiplatelet treatment. This contains…
Antiplatelets for arterial clots and anticoagulants for venous clots Overview It can be tricky to know when to recommend an antiplatelet, an anticoagulant,…
Using TWO antiplatelets short-term after a minor stroke or transient ischemic attack More patients will be discharged on a SHORT course of aspirin plus clopidogrel ( Plavix )…
Use "ABCDs" to optimize medications for stable coronary artery disease Overview Recent evidence suggests coronary stents don't improve chest pain more tha…