
Labels: CKD

Hepatorenal Syndrome Management

Hepatorenal Syndrome Management

Overview Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) is kidney dysfunction associated with decompe…
Management Strategies for Hypertensive Nephropathy in CKD Patients

Management Strategies for Hypertensive Nephropathy in CKD Patients

Overview As a clinical pharmacist, effective BP management in CKD is essential to slow …
Erythropoietin (EPO) dosing in anemia of CKD

Erythropoietin (EPO) dosing in anemia of CKD

Introduction Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs), such as erythropoietin (EPO) , …
Optimizing meds in patients with HFrEF and CKD

Optimizing meds in patients with HFrEF and CKD

Few patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are on optimized meds for heart failure w…
CKD Management Medtweetorial

CKD Management Medtweetorial

Introduction CKD is classified based on the GFR and albuminuria. Based on the GFR ( Figu…
How to choose PHOSPHATE binder for CKD patients

How to choose PHOSPHATE binder for CKD patients

As a clinical pharmacist, you should know how to choose a phosphate binder for patients w…
Finerenone (Kerendia) role for Diabetic Kidney Disease

Finerenone (Kerendia) role for Diabetic Kidney Disease

As a hospital pharmacist, you will hear about a new medication finerenone ( Kerendia ) f…
Optimize management of CKD in patients with diabetes

Optimize management of CKD in patients with diabetes

As a clinical pharmacist, you should optimize treatment of chronic kidney disease (CKD) i…
Be familiar with how to use phosphate binders

Be familiar with how to use phosphate binders

As a nephrology pharmacy specialist, you will be asked how to manage hyperphosphatemia du…
Nutrition for patients with CKD

Nutrition for patients with CKD

Overview Chronic kidney disease CKD usually takes a long time to develop and does not…
eGFR and Creatinine clearance

eGFR and Creatinine clearance

Introduction Think with me ㅡ The physician is about to prescribe rivaroxaban ( Xarelt…
Expect a serum creatinine bump when starting an ACEI or ARB in kidney disease

Expect a serum creatinine bump when starting an ACEI or ARB in kidney disease

How to safely use ACEIs or ARBs in patients with chronic kidney disease, this is an impor…
Management of uremic pruritus (itching) from chronic kidney disease

Management of uremic pruritus (itching) from chronic kidney disease

Overview Patients will ask how to manage itching from chronic kidney disease. This chro…
Antibiotic dosing requirements in patients with chronic kidney disease and dialysis

Antibiotic dosing requirements in patients with chronic kidney disease and dialysis

Overview We're getting questions about how to dose oral antibiotics with dialysis s…

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