Strategies to manage DIURETIC resistance As a critical care pharmacist, you will hear debate about the best approach for managing …
Aldosterone antagonists Aldosterone antagonist... EXAMPLES: Spironolactone, eplerenone. MECHANISM OF ACTION…
Loop diuretic use in heart failure ROLE OF LOOP DIURETICS IN TREATMENT OF HEART FAILURE ㅡ Loop diuretics are recommended for…
Heart failure patients who may need an aldosterone antagonist Less than half of eligible heart failure patients take an aldosterone antagonist (spirono…
Overview of HEART FAILURE treatment Overview ㅡ Heart failure typically classified by New York Heart Association (NYHA) I-IV f…
Steps to manage LOOP diuretics As a pharmacist, you'll see cases where you can optimize oral loop diuretics (furosem…
Skin cancer risk with hydrochlorothiazide FDA alert! Hydrochlorothiazide adverse reactions and warnings (July 2018)! ㅡ Hydrochlor…