Optimizing meds in patients with HFrEF and CKD Few patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) are on optimized meds for heart failure wi…
Titrating Infusions: Key Updates from The Joint Commission As a critical care pharmacist, you will play a key role in ensuring that orders for titra…
Best Practices for Administering Beta-Lactams Questions are coming up about using prolonged infusions of beta-lactam doses due to new i…
Optimize Medications for Patients Receiving ECMO Overview As a critical care pharmacist, you will get questions about optimal medicatio…
Hepatorenal Syndrome Management Overview Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) is kidney dysfunction associated with decompe…
Consider Antipsychotics for Severe Delirium As a critical care pharmacist, you'll see more focus on preventing and treating delir…
Provide Essential Nutrition Tips for Patients on GLP-1 Agonists Questions are coming up about proper nutrition for patients on a GLP-1 agonist (semagluti…
Update Diabetes Treatment With SGLT2 Inhibitors & GLP-1 Agonists As a clinical pharmacist, you’ll continue to see SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP-1 agonists gai…
Optimize Acute Pain Management with Suzetrigine (Journavx) Overview The spotlight is on suzetrigine (Journavx), the first non-opioid analgesic app…
Be Ready for Questions About Garlic and Cardiovascular Health You’ll be asked about the CV benefits of garlic as people focus on heart health during Fe…