Hypernatremia Estimation and Treatment Strategies Definition and clinical manifestations Hypernatremia is defined as a serum sodium…
Strategies to administer IV infusion medications As a hospital pharmacist, you should help your hospital think outside the box to further …
Update HYPOglycemia prevention strategies Harmful hypoglycemic events are still occurring in hospitals. Continue to utilize strateg…
ICU patients may require HIGH sedative doses As a critical care pharmacist, you will care for more patients who need higher-than-avera…
Adjust insulin in T1DM based on diet As a nutrition support pharmacist, you should know how to adjust insulin doses in patien…
Don't treat PEDIATRICS like little adults Overview As a hospital pharmacist, you will need to stay on high alert when caring for …
Treat toxicity from local anesthetics with IV lipids As a hospital pharmacist, you will play a bigger role in treating toxicity from local ane…
Address medical concerns of dysphagia patients Overview As a nutrition pharmacy specialist, Patients with dysphagia will need your adv…
Try to switch from IV-to-PO when possible Overview As a hospital pharmacist, you should look for NEW opportunities for intaveno…
Determine when to start EMPIRIC antifungals Overview As a critical care pharmacist, You can help guide empiric use of systemic ant…
Wait to RENALLY adjust antibiotics in septic patients Overview Questions continue to come up about how to initially dose antibiotics in sev…
Optimize INITIAL antibiotic dosing in septic patients Overview Sepsis is now the leading cause of 30-day hospital readmissions, spurring hos…
When to consider steroids for ICU patients Overview As a critical care pharmacist, you will hear more buzz about using corticoster…
Be aware of the drugs that require slow intravenous administration Overview The speed at which intravenous (IV) medications can be administered is often …
Drug interactions between WARFARIN and many antimicrobials Overview Questions often come up about how to handle alerts for drug interactions betwe…