Anticoagulation Guide for Managing PE and DVT in Critical Care Overview As a critical care pharmacist, you'll often need to decide whether to sta…
Can we use fondaparinux in RENAL patients? Overview As a clinical pharmacy specialist, it is important to address the safety of …
Venous thromboembolism PROPHYLAXIS options Introduction As a critical care pharmacist, it is crucial to identify patients who requ…
How to REVERSE bleeding due to Pradaxa or Xarelto As a hospital pharmacist, the new oral anticoagulants are bringing up questions about how…
When to Rely on WARFARIN Instead of a DOAC As a clinical pharmacist, you will need to know when and why warfarin is sometimes prefe…
Do your part as a PHARMACIST in acute strokes Clinicians will sort through new evidence looking for the best ways to bust clots in pati…
Acute stroke protocol update Overview The treatment of acute ischemic stroke will change due to new American Heart…
Clinical pharmacology of DOACs Mechanism of action Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs) or Non-Vitamin K Antagonist Or…
Limit bleeding risk in patients on triple antithrombotic therapy Overview How to manage patients on an anticoagulant (warfarin, etc) who also need anti…
Tenecteplase versus Alteplase for ischemic stroke As a hospital pharmacist, you'll hear about more hospitals switching from alteplase (…
How to manage direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) around surgery?! As a clinical pharmacist, you'll face questions about how to manage direct oral antic…
Management of minor bleeding from antithrombotics Patients using an antithrombotic may be alarmed by "nuisance bleeding" OR noseb…
Drug interactions between WARFARIN and many antimicrobials Overview Questions often come up about how to handle alerts for drug interactions betwe…
Safety of using anticoagulants in patients with cirrhosis As a hospital pharmacist, you'll see anticoagulants used more often to treat thrombos…