Gallstone Buster: Diet & Med Mix! Overview As a nutritional support pharmacist, you should know that gallstones are clo…
Nutrition guide for CIRRHOSIS patients As a nutrition support pharmacist, you will be asked more about the recent recommendation…
Appropriate treatment for acute variceal bleeding As a clinical pharmacist, you must be kept up to date. One-third of patients with varices…
Assess TERLIpressin for Hepatorenal Syndrome As a clinical pharmacist, you should evaluate the use of terlipressin for hepatorenal syn…
Using of albumin for decompensated liver disease As a hospital pharmacist, you’ll be asked about the role of IV albumin in patients hospit…
Myths about drugs in chronic LIVER disease As a pharmacist, you will hear myths perpetuated about medications in chronic liver disea…
Safety of using anticoagulants in patients with cirrhosis As a hospital pharmacist, you'll see anticoagulants used more often to treat thrombos…
Pay attention when STARTING medications in patients taking hepatitis C antivirals As a pharmacist, you'll face MANY potential drug interactions with hepatitis C antivi…
Prescribing medications in patients with liver cirrhosis Overview ― The liver is responsible for the selective uptake, concentration, metabolism,…
Clinical management of ascites OVERVIEW ㅡ Ascites is a pathological accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity . The…
Pharmacotherapy of cirrhosis Overview Cirrhosis is defined as diffuse injury to liver characterized by destruction o…