Personalize glycemic targets for patients with diabetes As a clinical pharmacist, people with diabetes will rely on your help to tailor A1c goals…
Manage HYPERglycemia in hospital Introduction Hyperglycemia was defined as a fasting or admission blood glucose > 12…
Manage diabetes medications during fasting How should diabetes medications be managed while fasting? Fasting for morning labs usuall…
Preventing and treating hypoglycemia in patients with type 2 diabetes As a pharmacist, you'll see more emphasis on preventing and treating hypoglycemia in …
Prevention and treatment of diabetic foot infections As a pharmacist, you'll see more focus on prevention and treatment of diabetic foot i…
Pharmacotherapy of type 2 diabetes Overview Effective treatment of type 2 diabetes is uniquely challenging because it req…
Management of diabetes mellitus in primary care Screening and prevention Screen asymptomatic patients at increased risk for diabetes …
Preop mgmt of diabetes meds in pts undergoing surgery Overview The goal is to help prevent the blood glucose seesaw. Consider these strategie…
How to treat type 2 diabetes in heart failure patients?! Some medications may cause or worsen heart failure . Recommend starting with metformin (…
How to switch between insulins? Switching insulins should always be done with prescriber approval and close monitoring. A…