Choosing the right PRENATAL formula As a nutrition support pharmacist, you can consider using either Elevit Pronatal or Preg…
Take MORE vitamin D and LESS calcium! As a nutrition support pharmacist, people are asking you if they should take MORE vitamin…
Are Fish Oil supplements safe?! As a nutrition support pharmacist, patients are asking whether fish oil supplements are s…
Supplements for OSTEOarthritis As a community pharmacist, you will get questions about supplements for osteoarthritis. G…
Answer questions about MAGnesium supplements As a nutrition support pharmacist, you will get more questions about magnesium supplement…
What supplements can KIDS take for cough? Overview As a community pharmacist, you will be asked more about supplements can kids t…
Is Chromax SAFE for Breastfeeding Mothers? As a nutrition support pharmacist, you often get questions about the safety of weight los…
People wonder if MULTIvitamins are helpful Are Multivitamins Necessary for Health? As a nutrition support pharmacist, patients m…
Help pregnant choose the right prenatal vitamin Overview The plethora of prenatal vitamins can lead to confusion. There are specific re…
Iron-Rich Diet Iron is important in making red blood cells, which carry oxygen around the body. A lack o…
Vitamin E supplements may be dangerous! Patients are asking THE PHARMACIST if vitamin E supplements are dangerous. Many people ta…
What you need to know about VITAMIN D Overview Now that so many more people are taking vitamin D, some are asking how much v…
Cinnamon may be helpful for diabetes Patients may ask whether cinnamon is helpful for diabetes . It doesn't seem to help …
Using calcium supplements safely As a pharmacist, you will hear more debate about whether calcium supplements are safe. Ne…
Which dietary Supplements may be risky for COVID-19? More than 4 in 10 people have increased their use of supplements since the start of the C…