Grapefruit Juice with Statins – Do We Still Avoid? Overview Grapefruit juice inhibits CYP3A4, affecting over 85 drugs, including atorvast…
Don't use DIABETES as a CV risk equivalent As a pharmacy doctor, you will see more consensus on using statins for diabetes patients.…
Think "LOWER IS BETTER" for LDL in high CV risk patients Overview As a cardiovascular pharmacist, there is an ongoing debate regarding the nece…
Coenzyme Q10 for STATIN intolerance Introduction As a community pharmacist, patients will ask you more about Coenzyme Q10 …
Are Fish Oil supplements safe?! As a nutrition support pharmacist, patients are asking whether fish oil supplements are s…
Be aware of the role of STATINS in children Overview As a clinical pharmacist, you should be familiar with the Role of statins in …
Approach to STATIN intolerance As a pharmacist, you should know how to deal with statin muscle pain . Mounting evidence …
Focus on DIET and exercise for high triglycerides As a nutrition pharmacy specialist, you will see more focus on diet and exercise for hig…
Insulin resistance is a BIG problem Metabolic syndrome is a BIG problem and growing. It affects over 25% of adults and 4% of …
Ensure your DIABETIC patients are on statin Many eligible adults with diabetes aren’t on a statin . We know that statins reduce card…
Evaluate the need for NON-statins As a hospital pharmacist, you will continue to see LESS use of non-statins (niacin, etc) …
Consider Actos for NASH patients As a hospital pharmacist, you will see more nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) . Ac…
Diet for Dyslipidemia Introduction Dyslipidemia refers to high blood levels of low-density lipoprotein cho…
Consider discontinuing fish oil in CV patients Overview What are omega-3 fatty acids? Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic …
How to manage HYPERtriglyceridemia Questions will come up about how to manage high triglycerides, due to recent guidance fro…
How to handle statin muscle pain? As a pharmacist, you may know that up to 30% of statin patients get muscle pain, cramps, …