Consider SUB-Q insulin to manage DKA As a hospital pharmacist, you will hear renewed debate about the optimal insulin regimen …
Manage HYPERglycemia in hospital H yperglycemia was defined as a fasting or admission blood glucose > 126 mg/dL or a r…
Manage diabetes medications during fasting How should diabetes medications be managed while fasting? Fasting for morning labs usuall…
Pay attention when quinolones used in diabetic patients Stronger WARNINGS will lead to more concerns about quinolone risks . Quinolone labels …
Prevention and treatment of diabetic foot infections As a pharmacist, you'll see more focus on prevention and treatment of diabetic foot i…
Management of diabetes mellitus in primary care SCREENING AND PREVENTION ㅡ Screen asymptomatic patients at increased risk for diabetes me…
Preop mgmt of diabetes meds in pts undergoing surgery Overview ㅡ The goal is to help prevent the blood glucose seesaw. Consider these strategie…