Be Ready for Questions About Garlic and Cardiovascular Health You’ll be asked about the CV benefits of garlic as people focus on heart health during Fe…
Management Strategies for Hypertensive Nephropathy in CKD Patients Overview As a clinical pharmacist, effective BP management in CKD is essential to slow …
How to treat MILD hypertension As a cardiovascular pharmacist, you will hear debate about when to start drugs in patient…
Lifestyle changes to reduce CARDIOvascular risks Lifestyle changes can make big differences in cardiovascular (CV) risk and overall health…
Bedtime hypertension treatment and improving cardiovascular outcomes Overview The debate continues on whether taking blood pressure medications at bedtime c…
Medications and supplements induced hypertension Overview Patients are often surprised when they learn they're taking medications t…
Management of severe hypertension in adults Overview Severe hypertension can be classified into Hypertensive Emergency and Hype…
Be ready to manage patients with very high blood pressure Overview What should you do when patients report a very high blood pressure (BP) readi…
How to safely use ACEIs or ARBs in patients with chronic kidney disease ACEIs or ARBs can slow the progression of kidney disease. But initially they can bump up …