Suggest lifestyle changes first for HYPERtensive kids Overview As a clinical pharmacist, you will hear buzz about how to treat hypertension i…
Be aware of the role of STATINS in children Overview As a clinical pharmacist, you should be familiar with the Role of statins in …
What supplements can KIDS take for cough? Overview As a community pharmacist, you will be asked more about supplements can kids t…
Treating constipation in children As a pharmacist, parents often ask you about treating constipation in children. Constipa…
Don't treat PEDIATRICS like little adults Overview As a hospital pharmacist, you will need to stay on high alert when caring for …
Ensure babies and kids get enough iron As a nutrition support pharmacist, you are on the front lines to help prevent iron defici…
Acute otitis media in kids Winter will lead to an uptick of acute otitis media in kids. Help promote appropriate an…
Improve pediatric antimicrobial use Introduction Your hospital will continue to expand its antimicrobial stewardship progr…
Vitamin D supplementation in infants and children The risk for vitamin D deficiency is increased when there is limited exposure to sunligh…
Treating metabolic syndrome in kids As a clinical pharmacist, you should know how to treat metabolic syndrome in PEDIATRIC pa…
Options for managing type 2 diabetes in children Overview Liraglutide ( Victoza ) is the first new non-insulin medication approved t…