Finerenone (Kerendia) role for Diabetic Kidney Disease As a hospital pharmacist, you will hear about a new medication finerenone ( Kerendia ) f…
Optimize management of CKD in patients with diabetes As a clinical pharmacist, you should optimize treatment of chronic kidney disease (CKD) i…
Ensure your DIABETIC patients are on statin Many eligible adults with diabetes aren’t on a statin . We know that statins reduce card…
Manage diabetes medications during fasting How should diabetes medications be managed while fasting? Fasting for morning labs usuall…
Prevention and treatment of diabetic foot infections As a pharmacist, you'll see more focus on prevention and treatment of diabetic foot i…
Management of diabetes mellitus in primary care SCREENING AND PREVENTION ㅡ Screen asymptomatic patients at increased risk for diabetes me…
How to switch between insulins? Switching insulins should always be done with prescriber approval and close monitoring. A…